A company specializing in innovative rehabilitation robotics platforms for the clinical market, has developed an upper-limb exoskeletal robot platform specifically designed to aid patients in relearning the use of limbs that are commonly paralyzed following a stroke. Their groundbreaking solution, the Harmony exoskeleton platform, is built upon the principles of neuromuscular physiology. By leveraging the well-established neurological coupling between human joints, this platform utilizes coordinated movements and forces to enhance true functional therapy. The exoskeleton wraps around the patient's shoulders, arms, and wrists, granting the capability to power their joints and provide assistance during the performance of various dynamic movement tasks that need to be relearned. This highly sensitive and reliable platform follows an assist-as-needed approach, promoting active patient participation and significantly enhancing the effectiveness of shoulder therapy for stroke survivors. Furthermore, it also allows therapists to attend to other important tasks, such as massaging a patient's arm or monitoring multiple patients simultaneously.